RePORT Korea started as part of a collaboration between the National Institute of Infectious Disease (NIID) of the Korea National Institute of Health (KNIH) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease of the United States. The Division of Bacterial Disease Research of the Center for Infectious Disease Research under the NIID oversees RePORT Korea.
The ultimate aim of RePORT Korea is to build a foundation for multinational collaboration to facilitate communication among tuberculosis researchers. To achieve this, RePORT Korea is providing opportunities for researchers and institutes within the field to participate in international collaborative programs.
project 1
Biomarkers for predicting the development of active disease in household contacts with latent tuberculosis infection
project 2
Cohort Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (COSMOTB)
The Division of Bacterial Disease Research of the Center for Infectious Disease Research under the NIID oversees RePORT Korea. Seonghan Kim is the Principal Investigator.

Seonghan Kim
Korea National Institute of Infectious Disease (KNIID), Korea National Institute of Health (KNIH)

Sungkyoung Lee
National Institute of Infectious Disease, Korea National Institute of Health (KNIH)

Jinsoo Min
Associate Professor of Medicine
Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, ROK
RePORT Korea acknowledges funding from Korea National Institute of Health, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.