Recap 2024
This past year has been an exciting time for RePORT International and TB-RICC! Our readership has grown by 80 percent in 2024, and we are honored to have you join us for this journey. Please check out this special December edition of our newsletter that showcases a collection of the monthly articles from 2024, contributed by Daphne Martin, Rajita Bhavaraju, and many of our esteemed partners. We look forward to sharing more with you next year!
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Advancing TB Research
RePORT Korea Advancing TB Research RePORT Korea: Advancing Tuberculosis Research and Collaboration in the Global Fight Against TBRePORT Korea is affiliated with the National Institute of Infectious Disease (NIID) of the Korean National Institute of Health (NIH),...
JHU Spotlight
Johns hopkins university SpotlightJohns Hopkins University (JHU) - A Foundational Member of RePORT International Johns Hopkins University (JHU) has been a partner in RePORT International’s efforts since the network’s inception in 2014, having served as a foundational...
Cross-Consortium Grant Results
Cross-Consortium Grant ResultsRePORT International Coordinating Center (RICC) Cross-Consortium Grant ResultsWe are pleased to announce the awardees of the RICC Cross-Consortium grant competition. A special thanks to the applicants and external reviewers of each...