report brazil

Webinar Series

16 November 2020


Initiated August 2013
Phase 1 first enrollment – June 2015
Phase 1 last enrollment – June 2019
Follow up through June 30, 2021
Data analysis team: Brazil, U.S.


Present recent findings from analyses utilizing RePORT Brazil data
Provide an opportunity for early stage RePORT Brazil investigators to give
presentations to an international audience
Feedback welcome to the investigator or mentors

Maria B Arriaga

Maria B Arriaga

Background in nursing, epidemiology from Peru. Working towards Ph.D. with Bruno Andrade at Fiocruz Bahia. Interest in TB diabetes

Diabetes and MTB Transmission

Felipe Ridolfi

Felipe Ridolfi

Background in clinical medicine, infectious diseases. Plans to start Ph.D. program with Valeria Rolla at Fiocruz Rio de Janeiro. Interest in TB HIV

TB and HIV Treatment Outcomes

What's new

Highlighting Rutgers Univ

Highlighting Rutgers Univ

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Future Leaders Program

Future Leaders Program

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Virtual Learning Platform

Virtual Learning Platform

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