Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program

Deadline - Fri, Jan 31, 2025

We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the RePORT International Coordinating Center (RICC) Post-doctoral Fellowship. 


The RePORT International Coordinating Center (RICC) is an NIH-supported consortium currently supporting TB research in eight countries (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, and Uganda). The mission is to advance regional and international TB and TB/HIV science, strengthen TB/HIV research capacity and infrastructure, and foster research collaboration. The RICC coordinates the planning and implementation of research in TB and TB/HIV across all the RePORT networks and establishes and maintains the required infrastructure to enable such research.

Applications are now being accepted for the RICC Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program, which will provide each selected candidate with two years of training support and one-to-one mentorship from an experienced faculty member in the RePORT network. The primary objective of this program is for the RICC Fellows to become independent TB researchers, recognized leaders of the RePORT Consortium and mentors for the next generation of early-stage investigators (ESI).

Eligibility Criteria

  • A graduate degree (e.g., MD and/or PhD)
  • Currently employed or a student at one of the RePORT partner institutions in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, or Uganda
  • Institutional mechanism to receive and manage the funding of their stipend
  • Less than 10 years of experience since the end of their most recent graduate degree (MD or PhD)
  • Interest in a TB research career

Fellowship Support

  • A $25,000 stipend for the Fellow per year for two years (Total $50,000)
  • Specific online courses and webinars focused on developing TB research competencies
  • Access to strategic technical support consultations, including data management, biostatistics, research ethics, study design, implementation science and community engagement from RICC experts to support the development of their research proposal
  • Frequent opportunities to present research proposals to other fellows, mentors and experts for advice and feedback
  • Support for 5% of the fellows’ faculty mentors’ time full-time effort (FTE) for up to two years.

Applicant Review and Selection

All applications will be reviewed and ranked by the RICC Capacity Strengthening Working Group (CSWG). The CSWG ranking list will then be reviewed and approved by the RICC Executive Committee (EC).

The CSWG will review the following required documents to identify and rank the top candidates:

  • An eight-page online application summarizing the applicant’s research experience, as well as training and professional goals and budget for the RICC Fellowship
  • Candidate’s CV
  • Mentor’s Letter of Support
  • Mentor’s CV

Review Criteria

The primary objective of this program is for the RICC Fellows to become independent TB researchers, and recognized leaders of the RePORT Consortium and mentors for the next generation of early-stage investigators (ESI). This objective will be the primary consideration in the review and ranking of applicants. Additional criteria include:

  • Quality of the proposed research concept
  • Quality of the proposed training and mentorship plan
  • Alignment of the proposed research concept with the RICC mission to advance regional and international TB and TB/HIV science, strengthen TB/HIV research capacity and infrastructure, and foster research collaboration
  • Likelihood that the proposed Fellowship Program will advance the candidate’s professional goals

Mentor Responsibilities

Mentors will be expected to:

  • Meet virtually or in person at least two times monthly with the Fellow to review the progress of their research proposal development and manuscript(s), as well as to help them prepare for their research presentations.
  • Attend semi-annual virtual meetings with the CSWG.
  • Participate in webinars and presentations when their mentee is presenting.
  • Help the fellow develop a Professional Development Plan (PDP) and a joint Mentorship Agreement.
  • Help the Fellow submit at least 1 first-authored manuscript.
  • Help the Fellow complete and submit a research grant proposal to a funder/sponsor
  • Complete a brief on-line quarterly progress report.
  • Commit to at least 9-10 hours per month (5% FTE) for the entire 24 months of this program.

Fellow Responsibilities

The RICC Fellowship Program will support an individualized training and mentorship plan that will include some required coursework, additional training/courses. Successful completion of the RICC Fellowship will require the following:

  • Attendance of at least two meetings per month with their mentor to present and discuss their research proposal development progress
  • Completion of RICC-directed curriculum to enhance TB-related knowledge. These courses may be asynchronous or synchronous.
  • Submission of a final full research project proposal/grant approved by your mentor to the RICC CSWG
  • Submission of a final full research project proposal/grant approved by your mentors to a potential funder and/or sponsor (e.g., RICC, RePORT, NTP, USAID Mission, US NIH, MRC, TB REACH, etc.)
  • Publication of at least one first-authored peer-reviewed, PubMed-registered manuscript
  • Complete a brief quarterly progress report

Additional Program Details

This is non-credit training, so it does not count towards academic credit, an academic record, or contact hours for licensure. Successful completion of all assessments and requirements results in a Certificate of Fellowship Completion from RICC. The RICC CSWG will monitor the fellow’s progress throughout the program and assess the quality of the training and mentorship provided.

RICC Support for Mentors

Mentors will receive a stipend from RICC to support 5% of their full-time effort for these 24 months. The stipend will be provided in 4 installments at the beginning and every 6 months. Installment payments to mentors will be dependent on approval by the RICC CSWG.

    Monitoring and Evaluation of the Mentorship Program

    The CSWG will monitor the Fellow’s progress throughout the program and assess the quality of the training and mentorship provided. The CSWG will review the following:

    • Quarterly progress reports submitted by the mentor
    • Quarterly progress reports submitted by the fellow
    • Fellow attendance and performance in RICC on-line courses, webinars, presentations, and other deliverables

    The CSWG will perform a mentorship review every 6 months. CSWG approval will be required to release installments of FTE support for the mentors. The mentors are welcome and encouraged to meet with the RICC CSWG to discuss any concerns or questions.


    Application Queries

    For questions about this program please email Dr. Bob Bollinger ( or Mary Talalay (


    Fiscal Queries

    For fiscal questions related to mentor FTE or fellow stipend support please contact Audrey Mioli ( or Lorraine Luciano-McKeon (


    Questions about this program will be addressed during an optional zoom information session for interested potential candidates and their mentors:
    Meeting ID: 939 4391 0614
    Passcode: 552583
    December 16, 7-8 AM ES

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