Nikhil Gupte
RePORT India
Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Govt Medical College, Pune, India
Nikhil Gupte, PhD, is a Research Associate faculty member at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Deputy Director of the Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College (BJGMC)-JHU Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), a collaborative research partnership associated with the world’s largest HIV therapeutic trials networks, the AIDS Clinical Trials Group [ACTG] and the International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trial Network (IMPAACT).
Dr. Gupte has more than 10 years of experience in public health research in developing countries and is a recognized leader in biostatistics education in India. Based in Pune, India, Dr. Gupte is the lead statistician for the BJGMC-JHU CTU, which conducts Phase I, II and III clinical trials of therapeutic drug interventions for HIV and co-morbid infections, such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, in adults (including pregnant women) and children.
An experienced educator, Dr. Gupte has developed and taught biostatistics courses in India, including a number of University courses and NIH-supported training courses, and he currently leads the Biostatistics training for the BJGMC-JHU Fogarty HIV-TB Training Program.
A recipient of the Hopkins Fogarty fellowship, Dr. Gupte received a Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.