Moses Joloba
report Uganda
Supranational Reference Laboratory (SRL)
RePORT Uganda team is led by Prof Moses Joloba. He is a physician researcher with expertise on infectious diseases diagnostics and program implementation using both conventional microbiology and modern molecular approaches. He is the chair of the World Bank funded East African Public Health Laboratory-networking group that aims to establish in East Africa, high quality, accessible public health laboratories for the diagnosis and surveillance of TB and other communicable diseases. He has successfully competed for extramural research support (obtained 10 grants so far) and published over 230 peer-reviewed research articles. He is currently leading a team of researchers evaluating novel diagnostics for Tuberculosis in children under 5 years and adult populations. He is also the chair of the Supranational Reference Laboratory (SRL) reference laboratory in Uganda which implements WHO policy guidance on TB diagnostics and Laboratory norms and standards in Uganda and beyond while respecting relevant national laws and regulations. The SRL works with the National TB and Leprosy program (NTLP) which oversees all TB program in Uganda.
A number of sites will be involved in RePORT Uganda.