Mark Hatherill
RePORT South Africa
South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative, University of Cape Town
Dr. Hatherill, Full Professor and Director of the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) at the University of Cape Town (UCT), has led several clinical trials of novel TB vaccine candidates, including the first efficacy trial of BCG revaccination for prevention of Mtb infection in IGRA-negative adolescents; and the first efficacy trial of the novel protein-subunit vaccine M72/AS01E for prevention of progression to disease in IGRA-positive adults, among 23 clinical trials of nine novel TB vaccine candidates conducted by SATVI since 2005. His recent work includes translational studies of biomarker-targeted TB prevention. Following development of a host blood-based prognostic RNA biomarker for TB disease (Drs. Scriba, Hatherill, Walzl, others), he led a multicenter trial to test efficacy of risk-targeted preventive therapy for mRNA biomarker-positive persons (CORTIS), which provides crucial preliminary data for this application. Dr Hatherill was previously SA Co-PI of RePORT SA1 and will act as SA PI and lead the Project Core in this renewal application.