Keertan Dheda
RePORT South Africa
University of Cape Town Lung Institute
Dr. Dheda, Professor and Head, Division of Pulmonology, Department of Medicine, UCTLI, is a previous RePORT South Africa investigator. He has focused on development and validation of field-friendly TB diagnostics and clinical impact of TB-specific molecular and non-molecular diagnostic tools; and led a multicentric study in 4 countries involving over 2,500 patients, which showed that a urine LAM-guided treatment strategy reduced mortality in patients with advanced HIV, and which has underpinned WHO Policy. He also holds patents covering unpublished work on discovery of urine protein biosignatures as TB triage tests, which provides the preliminary data to inform further validation of these urine biosignatures at his UCTLI laboratory, supported by Dr. Esmail, for this application (Cohorts A and B).